Vuenow Data Center Plan
Vuenow Company and Data Center Business Plan Details

Now, we will understand a few things about the Vuenow business plan.

They have 1800 servers in one crack and are spread in thousands in one location. And each of their servers has a capacity of 120 TB. If you don't know, 1TB is equal to 1024 GB.

They have an S3 category storage and the total amount you receive from the leasing structure here will include 18% GST.

This is a Tier-4 category data center and its downtime is maintained at 0%.

You will find it in a few particles because the company has divided it into 1-120 particles.
This Vuenow data center business will keep providing you rent for 10 years.

Here, you can purchase from one particle up to 360 particles and get 3 servers on one family PAN Card.
The total cost here is Rs 41,28,702 for all the particles wherein all the overhead expenses and GST are included.

Since the company has divided the data center server into 1-120 particles, 120 people can also take ownership of it.

Vuenow group will take you on lease back at the same time and will provide your rent for 10 years.

The life of this server is 10 years, so you will receive the rent for 10 years.

Every month you will receive a rent of Rs. 1,64,319. This amount is in net value which will be credited to your account.

The gross value of the Vuenow business plan is Rs. 1,75,950. The value is shown to you after deducting 5% processing and 2% TDS. If you want, you can take particles as per your requirement.

Information About the Vuenow Marketing Company Pvt Ltd

Vuenow company is a cloud services provider and their product is cloud. The founders of this company are Sukhwinder Singh Kharour, Abhaydeep Mutti, Rahul Bhargav and Nitin Srivastava. We are all part of the cloud knowingly or unknowingly.

Cloud means shared infrastructure, just like today cloud kitchen is getting very famous. Where food is being cooked at one place and distributed at different places using different providers like Swiggy or Zomato.

But in the field of IT, digital data is backed up, used, maintained, and accessed. In technical language it is called cloud. You can also use online storage or data centers to store your data.

Aim and Objective of Vuenow Company and Business Plan

They have a Sales and Lease Back model which means that they will sell their data center to you and at the same time they can leaseback or rent out the data center.

You will be the owner of the data center or servers that you purchase. So you will also be at the receiving end of the generated revenue because it follows a sharing model.

This company is an IT infrastructure company, i.e. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Their main motive is to develop infrastructure.

Now, if we talk a little statistically, Vuenow company wants to set up 400 data centers worldwide. This is because to store all the data stored in India, approximately 40k data centers are required. But this is still just an estimated number.

Vuenow company also takes the responsibility of service level because they have the required IT equipment and expertise to implement them. If any technical fault occurs then the company itself will solve it.